The ALL ACCESS PASS and the NO BRAINER are by far the most popular memberships for anyone taking the initial certification board exam. If you have one of these, please make sure you take advantage of all of these resources!

  1. PBR’S COMMUNITY! This includes Ashish Goyal, “Team PBR,” PBR’s summertime webinar content experts, and the MEMBERS-ONLY DISCORD GROUP. JOIN THE INVITE-ONLY DISCORD GROUP NOW! Do not study in isolation! You have a community of pediatricians to support you. The COMMUNITY aspect is one of the most valuable components of the PBR system. Studying for a board exam can be GRUELING, but having others to lean on for clarification, advice or just some moral support can make all the difference in your studying experience.









Visit the following link to join our community: www.pbrlinks.com/community

  1. HARDCOPY PBR CORE STUDY GUIDE: YOU WILL LOVE YOUR “PBR!” It is at the center of your success blueprint. Carry it everywhere, highlight it, draw pictures, create mnemonics and add notes to help you cement the 2000 MUST-KNOW topics in this book. After your exam, I promise you that you will MISS IT!
  2. HARDCOPY PBR Q&A BOOK: KNOW this book! It is NOT a random collection of questions. The material should be considered CORE material for you to study over and over again. Carry it around and mark it up! Make sure you review this book as many times as you review the Core Study Guide.
  3. ONLINE VERSIONS OF THE PBR CORE STUDY GUIDE: All 2000 topics are available in a scrolling PDF style format and in a topic-by-topic, searchable format. Keep this open and use the one-click image links while you study or after each two-hour block of studying. It’s iPhone/smartphone compatible, iPad/tablet compatible and desktop compatible.
  4. ONLINE VERSION OF THE PBR Q&A BOOK: Have a few minutes while at work? Open the scrolling PDF version of the Q&A book and go through one or two questions.
  5. PBR WEBSITE: The website has a TREMENDOUS amount of valuable content. Each article was written to help address a need expressed by pediatricians. Read as many of the articles as you can! There is also a TOOLS section where you can find links to discounted pediatric board review question banks.
  6. PBR’S TEST-TAKING STRATEGIES: Physicians are not taught HOW to take tests. GOOD pediatricians with sound clinical reasoning WRONGLY believe that a board exam is a measure of one’s knowledge base, and thus a measure of one’s abilities as a clinician. That is completely false.
    Exams require mastery of the English language, mastery of pacing, mastery of your emotional state during an exam, and an understanding of the deceptive tactics employed by question-writers to create seemingly possible yet blatantly WRONG answer choices.PBR’s ONLINE TEST-TAKING STRATEGIES & COACHING COURSE (included in the No Brainer bundle) offers insights into this “board game.” You will stop viewing question as miniature patients and start viewing them as miniature riddles. Riddles with concrete rules and strategies to help you reach the correct answer quickly (even when you often lack the clinical knowledge!). Understanding the rules of the game will completely change your outlook on how to prepare for the exam and how to use board review questions for PRACTICE instead of content. I HIGHLY recommend the PBR Test-Taking Strategies & Coaching Course for anyone who is taking the boards, but especially for those who are “at risk.” This includes you if:

    • You have failed this exam at least once
    • You typically score below the national average on your board exam scores
    • You have failed ANY USMLE Step exam
    • You were classified as “at risk” during residency based on your in-training exam scores
    • You are more than 1 year out of residency

    The course helps you understand the techniques and skills associated with answering board-style questions correctly. We’ve helped MANY pediatricians finally pass the boards after failing multiple times, including ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE, SIX, SEVEN, NINE, and TEN times! So, helping you should be easy.

    To get just a taste of how you can increase your board scores immediately, and to learn a few of the rules to the “board game,” click here and read a PBR article I wrote titled, “3 Strategies to Skyrocket Your Score!” – www.pediatricsboardreview.com/techniques

    Also, visit www.pediatricsboardreview.com/strategy and watch a FREE test-taking strategies session right now.



Ashish, I did it. I can’t thank you enough for creating an amazing system to keep me on track with my studying. And the $2000 for the live weekend test taking course was well worth it. Doing the technique during the test kept me focused and allowed me to eliminate wrong answers. Thank you for all the great advice, sticking to the material, memorize, memorize, memorize then practice practice practice. After 4 failed attempts, it was exhilirating to finally read the words, “we are PLEASED to announce you PASSED!”    I will definitely recommend your program. God Bless                                                            

– Dr. Yessenia Castro-Caballero, Board Certified Pediatrician

I believe I broke the record taking this test 10 times!!!! I finally passed on the 10th… I appreciate sincerely all your help, I have cried cried all day today, after too many years and thousands of dollars spent, finally this is in the past now. Thank you so much.

– Dr. Pablo Chagoya

I PASSED finally!!!!!!!!!!!!! So relieved and it’s all because of you!! I would not have done it without the live courses… Thank you Ashish!!! You are the best!!

Your devoted PBR fan 🙂

– Dr. Frances Liu, Board-Certified Pediatrician who increased her score by 18 points after failing 3 times

Definitely helped to get a better understanding of the “board game” that Ashish mentions. I’m sure I’ve fallen prey to those traps in the past.

Also, knowing the types of questions and the algorithm to figuring out how to spend my time answering the questions– never would have thought about the Hybrid approach to just reading the last line of the vignette for “this/these” questions.

Really didn’t know that I shouldn’t be spending time reading through the whole vignette… or doing the “top to bottom” approach!

Overall it was great and I really appreciate you taking the time and effort putting this together and making sure that we can succeed our first time around. 

Helped immensely with reading/understanding the “English” of the questions – I actually would’ve gotten one example question wrong in the past had I not used the AaCNI mnemonic

I had very little time to prepare for the boards… The core study guide helped me focus on topics that were high yield on the exam. In addition, the strategies taught by Ashish were very helpful and is what I believe helped me PASS. I would highly recommend the PBR for anyone needed to review in a short period of time. It is worth every penny!

– Dr. Darlene Melk, Board Certified Pediatrician

Ashish, this is Russ Zwiener… The weight of the world has been lifted! I have PASSED the 2018 ABP certifying exam. I improved my score by 42 points and passed by 35. Tears of joy are wonderful. No Thank you could ever be sufficient for all the support and guidance over the past couple of years. Thank you again and please let me know if I could ever help with PBR in any way!!

Board Certified Pediatrician
All Access Pass Member
Personalized Study Schedule User
Live Test-Taking Strategies & Deep Study Course Member
“Deep Dive” call with Ashish
42-Point Increase
3 Prior failed attempts

The first time, I didn’t finish… I landed a 166. The next year I joined PBR and went over the book 3 times. I should’ve taken off two weeks prior, but only managed one. I earned a 179. Heart breaking. But how could I give up when I only needed one point. So this year I went over the book at least 5 more times. I did the ATL live test-taking strategies training and learned how to process through choosing the most correct answers. I arranged to have at least 3 hrs of deep work everyday and did a chapter a day plus prep questions from that section. Two mos before the exam I did med study practice blocks of 84 questions timed to practice randomized subjects. This time I got a 208… The tears of relief…really I can’t describe it as intensely as we felt it. So much time, work, money, defeat I had felt…finally redeemed. The sacrifice my family made, finally we could leave purgatory and move on! … Thank you PBR.

Dr. Samantha
Board Certified Pediatrician
All Access Pass Member
Live Test-Taking Strategies & Deep Study Course Member
29-Point increase
2 Prior failed attempts

Ashish and Team. Today is the best day ever. I had to do many things to get here. You gave me the tools, and my confidence back. The test taking strategies changed my approach to questions. It was clear, consistent and concise. I approached each question the same way. It took me 10 years to figure out how to take this test. The personalized schedule kept me focused and on task. You helped me overcome my biggest challenge in my career. I passed with a 192. I am finally board certified after 10 years and I now have more options available to me. I can keep my family together. I have conquered my biggest nemesis and it feels great! You are awesome.

Dr. Cynthia Mondesir
Board Certified Pediatrician
All Access Pass Member
Live Test-Taking Strategies & Deep Study Course Member
“Deep Dive” call with Ashish
26-Point Increase
6 Prior attempts

* All testimonials are by real people, and may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.


The time that you spend learning how to use test-taking strategies to increase your scores will be the HIGHEST yield time of your board prep. The overall time investment is as little as 8-16 hours, but the skills you learn will be used on EVERY single question that you come across. Is there a single chapter in this book that can guarantee you the same benefit?


Signup for Your FREE Test-Taking Strategy Session Now


Use the ONLINE Test-Taking Strategies Course

Go through the online course, do independent work, increase your skill, and reach a plateau.


Attend the LIVE Test-Taking Strategies & Deep Study Course

Come to the LIVE course, get mentored, maximize your test-taking strategy skills, BREAK THROUGH your plateau, and learn Deep Study techniques to maximize your “book time” too.
